Handbook of Policies
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We are a Licensed Daycare Centre
Our location is fully licensed by the Ministry of Education and our standards meet or exceed the province’s requirements. The health department, fire department and licensing officers from the Ministry of Education routinely inspect the centre. As per Ministry guidelines, parents will be made aware of all serious occurrences that happen on site by posting of a Serious Occurrence Notification Form on our front parent board. Our license will also be posted on the board, as well as any other Ministry documentation that is required for licensing. To view information about our license history, you may visit the following websites: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/childcare/
Our Philosophy
At Tender Loving Daycare we offer a special program that all our children and families anticipate arriving at each morning. A place that not only meets your child’s basic needs and physical requirements, but will help to foster their growth into wonderful, caring little people.
Our goal is to work in partnership with you as a parent to establish positive self-esteem, values and confidence in your little one. We hope to become a natural extension to your family as both a resource in the field of Early Child-hood Education and as a support through the exciting times ahead.
Our Goals and Objectives
Provide an educational and nurturing, supportive environment which stimulates and enhances emotional, social, intellectual and physical growth in a child’s development.
Provide well-balanced nutritional snacks and meals each day.
Ensure a child’s basic needs and physical requirements are continually met on a daily basis.
Provide and environment that will establish the child on the.