At Tender Loving Daycare, we offer a special program that all our children and families anticipate arriving at each morning. Our program has aligned itself with the Ministry of Education’s framework, How Does Learning Happen. We believe that the focus should be on the whole family, building trusting and reciprocal relationships with each and every person who comes through our doors. We hope to become a natural extension to your family, as both a resource for information and a support to you through the exciting times ahead. We will be having continuous consultation with you with daily dialogue, milestone consultations and bi-annual parent-teacher meetings, so we can partner with you to reinforce the values and goals, you want for your child.

With your partnership, we will provide an environment that promotes belonging between the children, adults and community encompassed within this center and the world around them. We believe that the children should develop a sense of belonging and connectedness to their local community. We use our downtown location to enhance this idea with a commitment to engaging in a variety of adventures, relationships and contributions to our neighbouring area.
Our program will concentrate on providing the care and well-being that you would want for your child. We will focus on healthy food (following the most current Canada’s Food Guide recommendations), daily exercise (using our indoor and outdoor gross motor facilities), quiet and rest times that support your children’s development through a compassionate and encouraging environment. We will give consideration to your child’s individual needs and welcome your feedback to make this happen.
By providing an environment that can be explored and engaged in fully, our staffs is setting the stage for your child to explore, play and engage in our program. As our educators observe and document the children’s engagement, they will continue to plan and respond to the children’s inquiries with adult-supported experiences preparing your little ones for their next transition to school.
Fostering communication in all its forms helps to support our goals of self-regulation for your children. Children learn to communicate and express themselves from the moment they arrive in our world. This communication can take many forms, as the children continue to develop their skills in this area. Our center provides an environment where communication and expression is where everyone’s needs are valued. We will be modelling positive communication strategies within all our relationships. We will use a variety of communication strategies, such as pic symbols and picture prompting, to give everyone a voice.
Our team at Tender Loving Daycare are committed to life- long learning. The center supports and encourages our staff to participate in educational opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge to better serve the children and families in our program. The center accesses our local resources to bring professional development to our team that is current and valuable to their role. Our team environment is one of mentoring and cooperation. Our staff document and reflect on a monthly basis, during their team meetings, their commitment to the families and children and the continuing development of their programs. Regularly, our team will also participating in personal self-reflective activities regarding their commitment to the program statement.
We are committed to using compassion, positive modeling and humour to facilitate the needs of the entire family. Our program inspires children to explore the vast world around them and our caring staffs encourage and inspire parents to participate in their child’s exploration!
This statement is a living document. It will be reviewed and updated annually by the licensee to be certain that it reflects the current practises of TLD. This statement will be reviewed by staff, volunteers and students prior to being in a classroom, whenever a change is made to the statement and annually thereafter.
Our Philosophy
At Tender Loving Daycare we offer a special program that all our children and families anticipate arriving at each morning. A place that not only meets your child’s basic needs and physical requirements, but will help to foster their growth into wonderful, caring little people.
Our goal is to work in partnership with you as a parent to establish positive self-esteem, values and confidence in your little one. We hope to become a natural extension to your family as both a resource in the field of Early Child-hood Education and as a support through the exciting times ahead.
Our Goals and Objectives
Provide an educational and nurturing, supportive environment which stimulates and enhances emotional, social, intellectual and physical growth in a child’s development.
Provide well-balanced nutritional snacks and meals each day.
Ensure a child’s basic needs and physical requirements are continually met on a daily basis.
Provide and environment that will establish the child on the.